FMH – Berufsverband
Legal Information

Legal Information

Many thanks for visiting the website of FMH − Swiss Medical Association. The FMH is the operator of this website. Please read the following legal information carefully before continuing to use this website. These regulations are binding for all visitors to this website.

Other terms and conditions of use which govern access to and the use of FMH applications may also apply.


The contents of this website serve exclusively to provide general information and make no claim with regard to accuracy or comprehensiveness. For further information, please contact directly the bodies, departments, services or person mentioned on the relevant pages.

References and links
This website may contain references and links to other websites. The FMH has no influence on such websites, their content or availability or their respective applicable privacy policies. The FMH therefore accepts no liability for accessing such websites.

Although every reasonable effort is made to present accurate and correct information, the FMH cannot guarantee the correctness, accuracy, reliability and completeness of this content.

The FMH expressly reserves the right to edit, delete or refrain from publishing all or part of the content without notice.

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Protection of your privacy and the correct handling of your personal data is important to the FMH. Please refer in this context to our privacy policy.

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Applicable law and place of jurisdiction
Access and use of the FMH website as well as these regulations are subject to Swiss law. The sole place of jurisdiction shall be Berne.

The FMH reserves the right to amend these regulations at any time. Please therefore visit our website regularly for any updates.

Last amended: 31/01/2019


FMH Generalsekretariat
Elfenstrasse 18, Postfach
3000 Bern 16

Tel. 031 359 11 11


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